2005-2015 L'anse Creuse Public Schools 2005 Bond Issue
The challenge
L'Anse Creuse Public Schools was awarded a bond issue in 2005 to renovate multiple facilities within the district and design new facilities to meet their future needs. 20 Facilities were included in the bond issue work ranging from new doors and windows to completely new gymnasiums and classroom additions and new administration building and alternative high school.
Wakely's goals were to bring the existing facilities up to modern standards with security and aesthetics and integrate the new facilities into the cultural fabric of L'Anse Creuse Public Schools. A major part of this was to harmoniously almalgamate the Pellerin Center and the Wheeler Administration Building not only with each other, but with the nearby businesses.
Size and Cost
Number of Facilities: 20
Construction Cost: $210,000,000
Year Completed: 2015
Diversity of Spaces
Various Interior & Exterior Spaces in the Scope of Work
Project included commons additions to both high school and three middle school facilities, new music rooms at middle schools and high schools, athletic facilities renovations including new team rooms and fields, science room additions at both high schools, new alternative education facility, district wide energy conservation measures, auxiliary gymnasium addition at one high school, fitness room additions to high schools and middle schools. Work also included new administration building, new classroom additions to elementary schools, and additions interior remodeling of various facilities. Interior renovations included new doors, windows, flooring, ceilings, secure entry sallyports, locker rooms and toilet rooms.