Warren Woods Public Schools

2017 Bond

The challenge

For the Warren woods 2017 Bond Program, Wakely provided architectural services in the form of a Facility Needs Assessment/ Analysis, which then lead to district wide renovations and construction design also provided by Wakely Associates. The school district consists of seven school building and one operations building. These facilities contain approximately 732,000 square feet.

The goals

Wakely's goals were to assess and compile information regarding the current condition of seven facilities. This resulted in a comprehensive report that ultimately lead to the capital improvements including renovation and consturction of various buildings within the school district. A new team building and stands, baseball dugouts and playgrounds are among the various projects completed for the district.
  • Size and Cost
  • Number of Facilities: 7
  • Construction Cost: $
  • Year Completed: ongoing

District Improvements

No Stone Unturned
Wakely was able to identify areas for improvement throughout the district. Through this evaluation, the district was able to utilize its money for renovations more efficiently. Wakly assisted in many projects including the addition of playgrounds in various schools, the re-invisioning of spaces in otherwise underutilized areas, new team building, stands and new baseball dugouts at Warren Woods High School.

All images are conceptual renderings

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